Janishree M S – A 2-year-11-month-old girl’s remarkable talent in a maximum fun science experiment

Janishree M S was born on the 14th of March 2021 in Kodagu, Karnataka, India. At the age of 2 years and 11 months she has set a new record in the intelligence category by self-doing a science experiment and identifying on versatile theme as follows; In Maximum science experiments – Air occupied space, Lemon Volcano, Hand wash experiment, Mud painting, Germs theory, sink and float, sound energy, soluble and insoluble, Magnetic and nonmagnetic, Action words -40, Animal sounds with action -15, Parts of human body,  Showing Afforestation and deforestation, Identifying Animals- 11, fruits- 9, vehicles -11, vegetables -12, placing 2 Herbivores, 2 carnivores and 2 omnivores animals, 10 Matching colors with object, family members, etc. Seeing a tender-aged baby girl’s self-motivated learning and remarkable skill on Edu themes, KABR proudly appreciated and honored her today.